"Your Future is Bright!"

Kelly Dagley

Oct. 20, 2016, 9:30am - 10:20am

Kelly Dagley is a Hope alum who loves teaching Hope students.  She received her Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts and English in 1994, completed a teaching credential at CSUF but then went to seminary.  She earned as Master of Arts degree in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary with an emphasis in Youth Ministry in 1999.  She worked in youth ministry in California and Illinois and spent several years working in education.  She then felt the call to return to the classroom and teach at the college level.  Kelly currently teaches part-time for the Pacific Christian College of Ministry and Bible in the traditional undergraduate, online undergraduate and graduate programs.  She has returned to seminary and is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Old Testament at Fuller.  She is also in leadership at her church Sojourners Community Church in Fullerton, CA where she serves on the Leadership Core (eldership) and the Preaching Team. 

As an institution of higher education, Hope International University encourages a culture of intellectual inquiry and open discussion on topics that may be considered controversial.  Please be reminded that the views and opinions stated by guest speakers do not necessarily reflect the position of the University.