"God has Given You Gifts: Use them!"

Megan Marshman

Nov. 03, 2016, 9:30am - 10:20am

Megan Fate Marshman has devoted her life to loving and listening to God and overflowing His love to others. She is driven to inspire, equip and support others in experiencing spiritual formation for a lifetime faith. Megan is the Director of Women’s Ministries at Hume Lake Christian Camps and Associate Dean of YouthMinAcademy.com. She co-wrote the book 7 Family Ministry Essentials with Dr. Michelle Anthony and served as the Director of Student Resources and Events for David C Cook as she led a team in creating TruIdentity: a spiritually forming, Christ centered and family empowered youth ministry curriculum line. 

As an institution of higher education, Hope International University encourages a culture of intellectual inquiry and open discussion on topics that may be considered controversial.  Please be reminded that the views and opinions stated by guest speakers do not necessarily reflect the position of the University.
