BIBEXELC Biblical Exegesis Elective (Upper Division) (3)
The following courses fulfill this course requirement:
BIB3200 Apostolic Hermeneutics
BIB3210 Old Testament Writings
BIB3215 Old Testament Narrative
BIB3300 Pentateuch
BIB3320 Prophets
BIB3340 Old Testament Theology
BIB3420 Romans
BIB3430 I Chorinthians
BIB3440 II Corinthians
BIB3450 Prison Epistles
BIB4310 Hebrew Poetry
BIB4400 Matthew
BIB44010 Mark
BIB4420 Luke
BIB4430 John
BIB4431 Acts
BIB4445 Galatians and James
BIB4450-NT Thessalonians and Pastoral Epistles
BIB4460 Hebrews
BIB4470 Petrine Literature and Jude
BIB4480 Revelation
BIB4940 Seminar in New Testament
LAN3400 Hebrew Tools
To learn more about these courses, please contact your academic advisor.