In HOPE 6.27                                  back to home                        David Timms

The Current Series

In 1941, Dom Gregory Dix identified and described what he called "the shape of the liturgy." Jesus "took some bread, and after blessing it He broke it; and gave it to them..." (Mark 14.22)

These four terms (took, blessed, broke, gave) describe the essence of the Christian journey. Welcome this week to Part 2 of the series.

Hope Happenings

Hope International University has just signed a strategic contract for the development of the south 6.8 acres of the campus. It will include apartment style student housing to accommodate over 1100 residents, and some commercial space as well. We anticipate construction to begin on August 1, 2008. 

Hope International University
Fullerton, CA 92831


"You were called for the very purpose that you might receive (inherit) a blessing ...." (1 Peter 3.9b)



Jesus blessed the bread.

In doing so, He spoke words. Creative words. Words that would elevate the bread beyond a simple, common element to something quite special; bread that would multiply and feed a multitude (Matt 14); bread that would open the eyes of those who had been blind (Lk 24); bread that would impart grace (Mk 14).

Blessed bread becomes special bread. It serves more deeply and widely than an ordinary loaf. It ministers to more people and touches their lives in unexpected ways. It retains the power to be a blessing, even when it is broken and given. Brokenness does not destroy the bread. On the contrary, it simply extends its reach.

Jesus blessed the bread.

While blessed bread becomes extraordinary, non-blessed bread can never be anything but ordinary. Without the blessing it can feed only a few and in only one way. Without the blessing it lacks creative power. Without the blessing it fails to multiply.

Jesus blessed the bread. He also blesses us.

Just as His creative words magnified the ministry of the common loaf, so His words do the same in and through us. He takes us - chooses us - then blesses us. When we hear that blessing with the ear of our hearts, we can become a godly blessing to multitudes. Until we hear it, we live in the limitation of the ordinary.

The Father first pronounced the blessing when we made Christ our Lord. "You are my beloved child, in whom I am well-pleased ."

When we receive that blessing in the deepest recesses of our being, it changes us and can change the world. Whereas fear once steered our lives, now love takes the wheel. While we once served others to find security, we now serve others out of our security. And the limitations of the past give way to deeper and wider ministry than we ever imagined.

In the blessing we are prepared for the breaking. And we discover that we have much in common with the eucharistic loaf.

Chosen. Blessed. May we live grounded in those two deeply Christian verbs.



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David Timms serves in the Graduate Ministry Department at Hope International University in Fullerton, California. "In HOPE", however, is not an official publication of the University and the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Administrators or Board of the institution. "In HOPE" has been a regular e-publication since January, 2001.

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