In HOPE 10.17

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David Timms


Prayer for Today

Father, teach me to trust You more than I trust myself. Deepen my sense of Your sovereignty and deliver me from my prideful self-sufficiency. Guide me in the Way of self-emptying, that You may receive all glory and I may be altogether more available to You. Guard me from comparing myself with others, heal my competitive spirit, and grant me the heart of Christ with all whom I meet today. Amen.


Another Resource

Bruna Martinuzzi has written a lovely short article on humility and leadership, titled Humility: The Most Beautiful Word in the English Language. Interested? Take a look at and type "Humility" into the search box.




“God created the world out of nothing,
and as long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us."
– Martin Luther, 16th century

Out of Nothing

Humility and success have little correlation. The Donald Trumps of this world put that beyond question long ago. If our goal is wealth or fame we need not trouble ourselves with humility. The crowds like to be wowed by the wonderful and the powerful. They want classy performances more than godly character.

This creates a dilemma for us. Do we pursue the limelight or step back from it in our hearts?

In truth, the Father needs nothing to create something, a statement that may be taken two ways. First, He does not need any ability or resources of ours to achieve His purposes. Second, He needs our "nothingness," our self-emptying, to fulfill His desires in and through us. He needs nothing to create something.

Nothing proves more difficult.

Everything within us wants attention, recognition, and affirmation. Our pride will not lay lie down but keeps intruding into our thoughts, conversations, and actions. We want others to notice us. We like -- perhaps even need -- the applause and the accolades, whether from friends, family, or fellow-workers. "You're terrific! You're doing a great job! You're special! You're amazing!"

To die to ourselves, to empty ourselves, to abandon all self-promotion, to walk away from selfish ambition, to risk being misunderstood, to be overlooked, to release any sense of "entitlement," to glory only in Christ and not at all in ourselves, to trust Him to open doors that we want to push through, to elevate ourselves over others, to serve rather than be served, to embrace humility rather than hubris -- is the Way of Jesus. No wonder that He described the Way as narrow!

Humility -- nothingness -- remains contrary to most of our Christian culture. Yet, if we believe Jesus, the path downward is the Way to peace, joy, harmony, and abundance.

The way forward, if we're courageous enough to step in that direction, is not through sheer resolve but through steady surrender. Repentance plays a vital role, in the biblical sense that we both turn away and turn to; away from our pride and back to Jesus.

It's a pilgrimage to an unknown place for many of us, but an imperative and transformational Journey.


-- David



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David Timms serves in the Graduate Ministry Department at Hope International University in Fullerton, California. "In HOPE", however, is not an official publication of the University and the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Administrators or Board. "In HOPE" has been a regular e-publication since January, 2001.