Class of 2020 Commencement Update

Posted: June 23, 2020

Dear Class of 2020, 
I want to let you know how very sorry I am that we could not hold commencement in May. Since that time, we have been in constant communication with our local health officials about the rescheduled ceremony and have concluded, unfortunately, that we are not going to be able to proceed with the August 8th commencement either. We have no confidence that a large gathering will be approved by that time and I wanted to let you know as soon as that became clear. 
I know this is extremely disappointing to you and your loved ones. It is to me as well. Commencement days and NSO days are my favorite days of the year at work.
We will be in touch with details in an email in the next week or so to let you know how you can take part in any upcoming commencement ceremony you would like. I certainly hope you will be able to join us at another ceremony and get your moment in the spotlight and walk across the stage so we can all applaud your success and determination. 
I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy during this season. 
In Him, 
Dr. Paul Alexander, President