New Concentrations Added To Psychology And Business Departments

Posted: August 15, 2013

Hope International University is proud to announce the inclusion of five new concentrations to its academic catalog. Beginning in the Fall 2013 semester, the College of Psychology & Counseling has added Infant & Toddler Mental Health; Child Life Specialist; and Child & Adolescent Development to the B.A. Psychology program. In addition, the College of Business & Management will offer Marketing and Accounting as two more concentrations for the B.A. Business & Management degree.

“Our new concentrations in both the College of Business & Management and the College of Psychology & Counseling offer students exciting opportunities to expand their programs in ways that will enable them to stay at the forefront of their field,” Dr. Paul Alexander, Vice President of Academic Affairs, said. “This is not only important in terms of competing in the marketplace but equally important that our students will have the best tools available to serve the church and impact the world for Christ.”

The Infant & Toddler Mental Health concentration is designed to strengthen students’ understanding of the social well-being and emotional development of infants and toddlers. Students are equipped to work with children and families as preschool and elementary school teachers, in child therapy clinics, and advocacy and public policy work.

“Infant & Toddler Mental Health is an exciting new concentration that focuses on the earliest phase of a child’s life, where the parent-child bond and environmental influences work together to influence social and cognitive development,” said Dr. Robert Pate, Associate Professor in the College of Psychology & Counseling.

Psychology students who choose a concentration in Child & Adolescent Development are prepared for careers in youth services, child advocacy, school counseling and child healthcare. Beyond learning the foundational theories of psychology and how to apply Christian ethics in their future careers, students also gain a greater understanding of the social and psychological causes of human behavior in children and adolescents.

The Child Life Specialist is a cutting edge concentration that helps students gain the education and experience they need to engage with children and families in stressful medical situations. With coursework focusing on family dynamics, development assessment, therapeutic play, and child life, students are equipped to assist families and children who suffer from trauma, terminal illness and disabilities.  

“This concentration is a perfect fit for students who are looking to work in hospitals to help children and their families get through difficult medical procedures and adapt to the resulting life changes,” said Dr. Pate.

In the College of Business & Management, students studying Accounting will take courses that provide them with a broad understanding of today’s job market and organizations. They will learn the skills they need for careers as accountants, financial analysts, tax consultants and more.

Coursework in the Accounting concentration includes a focus on the areas of management, accounting, finance, professional development and Christian leadership.

Marketing students are prepared to be well-rounded leaders through major coursework in professional development and Christian leadership as well as the major specific areas of advertising and marketing strategies. Coursework, including product development, branding strategies and research skills, all has an emphasis on faith integration. Dr. Neal Johnson’s Business as Mission (BAM) model provides all Business & Management students with skills to be effective business leaders while making an impact for Christ.