You won’t be disappointed by our cafeteria food! The selection is extensive, including entrée selections that vary day by day, a grill where you can order a burger, a deli for sandwiches, fresh fruit, a salad bar, dessert bar, drink options, and even international food options! Pioneer College Caterers is our on-campus food service and they provide a commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. They also place an emphasis on providing healthy food options to ensure a well-rounded diet for our students, staff, and faculty. The Commons dining hall, located in the Student Center, is open seven days a week to both residential and commuter students during the academic year.
All on-campus HIU resident students are required to be on a meal plan, which is included in the housing cost. This plan is an all-you-care-to-eat plan. The commons is open all day with 3 different meals served each day as well as 2 snack meals. Students with meal plans may enter the commons as many times as they like. Please see Meal Plan Packages/Prices on your housing contract. Commuter students may purchase flex points for their ID card for use at the Commons or pay at the door.