Finding Hope...and Sharing It!

Name: Constance Stevenson

Current Status: Alumni

Graduation Year: 2013

It all began one night in jail when Constance Stevenson (BS '13) cried out desperately to God after learning of the death of her ex-husband. In that raw, humble moment, Constance was saved and delivered from a life of crime and addiction. After that initial encounter with God, she knew her life would never be the same.

“I was radically changed from the inside out, something that I could never do for myself no matter how hard I tried. God reached down with love, grace and mercy; he touched my heart and changed me forever,” says Stevenson.

Although still incarcerated, she immediately began to envision a way to help others that also had lived a life of crime, and started developing the blueprint for a non-profit organization.

When she was released from jail, Constance hit the ground running. She founded The Christian House Ministries (TCHM) in 2010, and shortly thereafter applied to HIU's online program in Biblical Studies. “I really prayed hard about which college God wanted me to attend because I wanted my education to further this ministry. My heart was drawn to HIU, and to be honest, it was the only one that felt right,” Stevenson explains of her choice to enroll at HIU.

In 2013, Stevenson graduated from HIU, earning Bachelor of Arts degree. Constance says that at Hope she earned much more as well, “My HIU experience increased my confidence and has opened other doors as well.”

Constance continually draws from her heartache, redemption, and education to further God’s Kingdom through The Christian House Ministries (TCHM). TCHM's mission is to assist men and women who have been released from prison in rebuilding their lives, equip them to re-enter society as productive members who will contribute to the community, and prepare them to care for their individual families. The Christian House Ministries encompasses several programs and services that assist men and women in that transition, including bible studies, counseling, housing, and job placement assistance.

“The skills I received while at HIU have empowered me to effectively counsel the people who come into our program, connect with other organizations in our community, and partner with other mental health agencies and the Department of Corrections,” states Constance.

Over the past 6 years, Constance and her TCHM team have housed 42 men and women, helped reconcile relationships with children and families, and provided the counseling and mentorship needed to point wayward lives in a better direction. In the near future, Constance is planning to launch a second organization to compliment TCHM’s housing services as they currently only have one housing facility.

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